Upcoming Workshops
Upcoming Workshops
- Large Interactive Demonstration and process workshop June 20th-22nd at Mid-South Ceramics
- Hands on Workshop June 24th-29th at the Appalachian Center for Crafts
- Lecture TBA at the 21C Museum in Nashville, TN.
- Hands on Workshop with Tip Toland, July 16th-27th, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, MT
- Public Lecture, Wednesday, July 18th Archie Bray Foundation
- Studio 740, Studio 740 Open House, Sat July 28-29th, 10am-5pm
- Contact studio740mt@gmail.com with questions
- Figurative Symposium- Keynote Speaker, Arrowmont Center for the Ceramic Arts
- Contact Nick DeFord, ndeford@gmail.com
- Hawaii Craftsman, Demonstration, Public lecture, April TBA
- Contact Mark Mitsuda, president@hawaiicraftsmen.org
- Vancouver Island, Canada, 3- Day demo and Public Lecture May TBA
- Contact Alan Burgess
- Watkins Art Institute, Nashville, TN – Lecture,April TBA
- Contact Karla Stringer Stein, kstingerstein@watkins.edu
- Studio 740- Summer, TBA
- Sign up on Patreon.com for more information
- La Meridiana, Tuscany, Italy 2 week hands-on workshop August 30- September 12th
- Contact Claudia Bruhin claudia@lameridiana.fi.it for inquiries
- Glues and Epoxies
- Maquettes and Armatures