Title: “Tangled Up In You”
Year: 2014
Figures: 65 inches height, 42 inches length and 24 inches wide.
Installation: 15 feet from the top rope knot to the floor.
Materials: Stoneware, ink, paint, rope
Japanese style tattoo designed with and painted by Alessandro Gallo
Tangled Up in You” portrays a human-scale hare suspended in midair at eye-level with the viewer, curling in on itself and sinuously intertwined with the twisting body of a 19 foot anaconda snake. The sculpture hangs from the coiled tail of the snake wrapped around a rope attached to the ceiling, while the head of the snake twists around and is latched, mouth wide onto the shoulder of the hare. The patina on the hare’s body is a high contrast cool black and grey, while the snake is finished in a pale blue body with subtle watercolor hues highlighting the intricate Japanese style tattoos flowing across the snake’ body.
Embedded within the tattoos, the subtle narrative of the two figures unfolded within the context of a wild, wind-tossed storm of stylized clouds and crashing waves. Depicted among the 2-dimensional symbolic figures are two carp- one struggling upstream the other , leaves and insects tossed in the maelstrom, cherry blossoms torn from the branches and blown in the winds, a rooster hunting beneath a starlit summer night, an enraged tiger breaking free from its bonds, the graphic continuation of the frayed and tattered rope from which the whole story has unraveled, and many others.
The combination of the undulating form of the snake, accentuated by the animated design of the tattoos, and the inward spiral of the hare poised in midair evoke a powerful flow of tangled emotion and energy.
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